Hello everyone!
As we head into the new year, it is important that school counselors are aware of any state legislation that will impact their work with students. This blog post will outline the changes in California law pertaining child nutrition and pupil health, as summarized by Capitol Advisors in their "Changes in Law 2019" article.
Pupil Health
AB 379 - Youth athletics: Protocols for concussion and cardiac arrest prevention: Any youth sports organization in which youth 17 years or younger participate in any amateur sport must follow specific protocol to prevent athletes from head injuries.
AB 1454 - Trauma-informed youth diversion programs: Youth Reinvestment Grants (maximum of $2,000,000) will be awarded to nonprofit organizations in order to administer diversion programs, which are aimed to divert youth from becoming involved in the justice system and to promote positive youth development.
AB 1651 - Supervision of associates, interns, applicants for licensure of Marriage and Family Therapist, Clinical Social Worker, and Clinical Counselor: Licensed educational psychologists can now be considered supervisors for certain unlicensed persons performing educationally related mental health services.
AB 1767 - Pupil suicide prevention policies: For schools serving K-6th grade, schools must update their pupil suicide prevention policy to address high-risk groups and their needs, in an age appropriate manner.
SB 276 - Immunization Exemptions: Medical exemptions from vaccinations must be documented and transmitted through the California Immunization Registry (CAIR), starting January 1, 2021.
SB 316 - Domestic Violence Hotline: For all public, charter, and private schools serving 7th-12th grade students, the National Domestic Violence Hotline must be printed on student ID cards, starting October 1, 2020.
SB 714 - Immunizations: Pupils who have a medical exemption from a vaccination (prior to January 1, 2020) are allowed to continue enrollment until the next grade span. After July 1, 2021, pupils must be immunized or have a medical exemption by completing a compliant statewide form in order to advance to 7th grade level.
Child Nutrition
AB 1377 - CalFresh: In order to increase CalFresh enrollment, the State Department of Health Care Services and State Department of Social Services must work together and submit recommendations to improve the data collection and electronic benefits transfer system for CalFresh and related programs.
AB 1532 - Food Facilities: Food handlers must also be given instructions related to major food allergens and allergic reactions.
ACR 40 - School Breakfast Week: March 4th - 8th, 2019 was proclaimed School Breakfast Week.
SB 265 - Pupil meals: Child Hunger Prevention and Fair Treatment Act of 2017: Students are protected and cannot be denied a meal of the student's choice if their parent or guardian has any unpaid meal fees. The student also is protected from being treated differently or shamed if they are recipients of school meals through the federal National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program.
In future posts, we will cover changes in law pertaining to immigration services, homeless and foster youth, and student services.
- Counselor's Circle